Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Dr Marek Kozlowski

Dr Marek Kozlowski

Urban Designer/Urban Planner, Urban Researcher and Analyst
PHD IN URBAN DESIGN The University of Queensland, 2007
Netherlands Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, 1996
MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Krakow Technical University, 1988
BACHELOR OF REGIONAL AND TOWN PLANNING The University of Queensland, 1983

Dr Marek Kozlowski, Since year 2006 is Visiting Lecturer (University Putra Malaysia, University Brunei Darussalam, University of Queensland, Bond University, Queensland University of Technology University Technology MARA, Malaysia, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Technical University, Krakow, Poland) and Research Consultant, Institute For Urban Development in Krakow, Poland.


History Of Working


Senior Urban Designer, Urban Design Team Leader and Project Manager, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


PhD Researcher, Lecturer and Tutor, School of Geography, Planning and   Architecture, University of Queensland, Australia


Urban Designer at Parsons International, Dubai, UEA


Urban Designer at Arriyadh Development Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Freelance Architect and Urban Designer, Krakow and Warsaw, Poland


Urban Planner/Designer, Architect at Stenders and Partners, Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Urban Planner and Development Assessment Officer, Brisbane City Council, Australia
Teaching Portfolio
Introduction to Sustainable Urban Development
The Case for Sustainable Development Dimensions of Urban Sustainable Development Sustainable Energy Sources Water Conservation and Waste Management Principles of a Sustainable Community  Sustainable Urban Management Measuring Sustainable Performance Of Cities
Urban Design
Evolution of Urban Design   Image of the City   Dimensions of Urban Design   Townscape Analysis   Urban Design Levels of Intervention   Urban Design Tools: Frameworks, Guidelines and Master Plans   Urban Design Outcomes: Successful Streets   Successful Public Spaces Reinventing the City Centre Restructuring Industrial Areas   Revitalising Commercial Blighted Areas Rediscovering the Waterfronts Transit Oriented Developments Cultural Aspect of Urban Design Place Making and Place Management Community Participation
Introduction to Sustainable Urban Design
Adverse Impacts of Climate Change New Urbanism and Green Urbanism Principles of a Sustainable Building Principles of a Sustainable Neighbourhood and City Environmentally Sustainable Design GuidelinesSustainable Transport Corridors Ecological Master Planning


Ecomimcry in urban design and planning as a response to climate change: Implications for urban areas in Poland

Comparative Analysis of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit and the MRT Project in Kuala Lumpur.

Successful Revitalization Projects in the Austral-Asian Region: Improving the Physical, Social and Economic Environments


A Study of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit (GCRT) Corridor Area in terms of building / street interface


Interactive Community Participation: A Tool of Revitalisation


Analysis and evaluation of revitalisation projects in the Pacific Rim Region and the implications for revitalisation for Polish cities


Analysis of existing residential design codes in Australia, USA and New Zealand in terms of policy document context and outcomes


Analysis of residential development on steep slopes

2001- 2006

Urban Design: Shaping Attractiveness of the Urban Environment with the End-Users’ (PhD Research)




‘Urban Design: Shaping Attractiveness of the Urban Environment’, LAP Publishing Company, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2010. ISBN 978-3-8383-8140-4.
‘Interkatywna Partycypacja Obywatelska - Wspomaganie Rewitalizacji’ (Interactive Community Participation: A Tool of Revitalisation) in Instytut Rozwoju Miast (Institute of Urban Development) ‘Planowanie Przestrzenne A Rewitalizacja Stref Spolecznie Wykluczonych’ (Spatial Planning and Revitalization of Social Exclusion Zones) pp151-166 (Krakow: Instytut Rozwoju Miast 2011)
Successful Revitalization Projects in the Austral-Asian Region: Improving the Physical, Social and Economic Environments’ (in preparation submitted book proposal to Palgrave Publishers)
‘Rewitalizacja wybranych miastach Azji, Ameryki Polnocnej i Australii – możliwości wykorzystania doświadczeń dla polskich miast’ (‘Revitalisation in selected citities of Asia, Australia and North America: Implications for Polish Cities), Kwartalnik Naukowy Instytutu Rozwoju MiastProblemy Rozwoju Miast ISSN 1733-2435 (Urban Development Issues – Research Quarterly, Institute of Urban Development in Poland) (December 2010).
 Wpolczesne Projektowanie Urbanistyczne: Potencjalne Narzedzie Rewitalizacji Stref Spolecznie Wykluczonych’ (Contemporary Urban Design: A Potential Revitalisation Tool for Socially Excluded Zones), Problemy Rozwoju Miast ISSN 1733-2435 (Urban Development Issues – Research Quarterly, Institute of Urban Development, Poland) (Sep 2010).
  ‘Influence of Urban Design Master Plans on Property Sub-markets: Two Case studies in Brisbane’, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sep 2008.
 ‘The Emergence of Urban Design in Regional and Metropolitan Planning: The Australian Context’, Australian Planner, Vol. 43, No. 1, Mar 2006.
 ‘Letter from Seville’, Queensland Planner, Vol. 38, No. 3, Oct 1998.
 ‘Master Planned Communities and their Impact on a Tourist City: Case Study, Gold Coast, Australia’: Paper presented at Heritage and Tourism Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Jul 2007.
‘Urban Design Guidelines: Key to Improved Townscape and City Attractiveness’: Paper presented at International Planning History Conference, London, Jul 2002, and published on the Conference CD.
Revitalising the inner city through urban design: different approaches in Singapore and Southeast Queensland’ (submitted to the Journal of Urban Affairs)
Contemporary Urban Design: A Potential Tool for Revitalising Social Exclusion Zones (submitted to the City and Society Journal)


Gold Coast Rapid Transit Corridor Study Phases 1 and 2: Vision, Urban Design Frameworks and Guidelines, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


Central Southport Master Plan, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


Varsity Village TOD Master Plan, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


Design Guidelines for Development on Steep Slopes, Coomera Structure Plan, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


Boyd Street Master Plan, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia


Draft Residential Design Codes, Gold Coast City Council, QLD, Australia